The Lez Watson Inexperience

Pisspoor Productions© welcomes you to the home of all new developments in this Brave New World.

The Lez Watson Inexperience

Welcome to this award losing website. In the clouds® since 2000, this jolly little construction offers all its readers something for the weekend - and the weekdays too. Look below for loads of one-size-fits-all stuff - personal and un-personal.

Forthcoming Attractions

Among the many wonderful and charming things here for your delectation, must see items include:

The Ordnance Survey Leisure Map summary lists. Updated regularly for the discerning cartomaniac and list buffs. This project began about a decade ago with the data entered on to filing cards. My, hasn't it grown?

Festiniog and Welsh Highland Railways. A short introduction to the narrow gauge railways of Snowdonia and North Wales. Being a bit of a link-fest for those who like that sort of thing...

The work of The Man from Cucamonga. The late and very great Frank Zappa. Twenty years after his death, Zappa continues to exert a subtle influence on modern popular music. Frank is much discussed and written about, but his music is seldom played on the radio. My little list will give the reader/listener/viewer a wee signpost to the work that is Frank.

A short archaeological career. What I did as a young man. Oh yes, and some lovely guff about our pets.

And, pictured below, a family photograph from the summer of 1951, taken in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, three years before my birth.

All this, and more, for less than the price of a cup of tea and a bacon sandwich. Enjoy!

What's new?
04/10/2024 Ordnance Survey map pages updated.
30/01/2024 Ordnance Survey map pages updated.
10/04/2023 Ordnance Survey map pages updated.
06/03/2021 Brokens. The 76 club website has closed down. All R&R stuff is now on Facebook, here.
31/12/2020 End of year houskeeping including updates of the Ordnance Survey map lists
04/08/2020 More housekeeping of the below the line kind.
01/07/2020 Work here has continued during the Coronavirus related lockdown of the past few months. Although there have been no new pages or major project revision, I have been making various edits and improvements to the product.
      Hopefully, as the restrictions are lifted, the Ordnance Survey wil restart production of their paper mapping and we'll get used to the 'new' normal.

I guess I should add a few words about what I get up to here. The Ordnance Survey pages are a used resource and updated monthly. Other pages are updated now and then as the odd bit of info turns up or something happens of note (Frank Zappa, Cats & puppies), while some aren't updated so much these days (Airfields or Ffestiniog and Welsh Highland Railways). When not revising and updating the Ordnance Survey pages, I'm expanding and improving some of my other pages, occasionally creating new ones.

I can be found on Facebook and belong to a small number of discussion groups related to my interests. I am married, with two dogs. I retired from work in the Autumn of 2016, and we happy four live in the middle of England.

Before you go, have a look at the Projects and Links page, the repository of bits and pieces of work, made and partly made.

I hope you find something of interest, and that your journey was worthwhile. Don't forget to wrap up warm!


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The Lez Watson Inexperience

The author - Leslie (Lez) V Watson - has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work.
I use Visual Studio Code & Notepad++ script editors, and Firefox web browser.

v20.4 :: January 2021